I have wanted a garden for years but never really knew where to start. Well my
mom has a green thumb and knows much about this stuff.
so after my mom and kids and a little of me weeded the area. (i wish we had a before of all the tall weeds!) We went to home depot and bought beds that you could put together your self there so super easy even our 4 year old could help!
after we put then together i had some left over straw (from fall) and thought it would look cleaner putting it around the beds.
then we put a layer of newspaper down and then put the soil with manure in it down with lots of help from the kids :)
look at my moms muscles :)
after the soil was laid down we put the wood chips/mulch down
so far we have planted snap peas, onion, bunches of peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, watermelon, beans, bunches of herbs. the only seeds we planted were the snap peas, onion, beans, watermellon and cilantro. other wise the rest are plants. i have still have some more room and want to plant other stuff too. i love gardening :) and with this way of layering i only watered the seeds once and i have not had to water once since then. it been weeks (watch
back to eden film for more info on that its amazing!) we also when planting put a little mushroom mulch mixed in :). not to much cause it can burn your plants
(see to the right our compost been)