So i have loved helping many of my friends with cloth diapers. i started using them with my daughter (third child) and absolutely LOVED using them! so much so that when we found out we were having a little surprise #4 (cruz). I got so excited thinking about getting to do cloth diapers again. When i started thinking about making the switch to cloth diapers after having used them with my first two kids it was kinda overwhelming. I really had idea what i was doing and no one to help me. my mom had used them but that was a long time ago and so much had changed. so for months i read blogs and forums researching and finding what i thought were the best options in the big wide world of CD'ing.
when it comes to things that one may think i would quiet on it just makes me want to succeed even more. im pretty stubborn that way! :)
I have a long list of info i have saved in a word document and so much more i will touch on in later blog posts. but for now this is a big chunk to chew on for those wanting to know about it. :)
verybabysunshine diapersthis next one is the forum you can read stuff with out becoming a member or anything but the first things that say like diapering 101 that stuff is VERY HELPFUL. and it will keep you busy for a long time reading all the stuff on there!
i really recommend joining the just mommies forum!
just mommiesthis next one is one that i ordered some of my stuff from
green mountain diapers(where to get the prefold as well as other things)
diaper swappers(where i bought most everything as well as a lot of great info) you get everything for way cheaper. just find the forum part that sells the diapers.
cottonbabiesanother forum
she knowsi also have two wet bags so when i put the wet bag in the wash with all the diapers i can just put the next one in the pail. the key for me to have cloth be easy is having a good set up. i use nellies detergent and oxi booster.
so a cold rinse with vinagar. then a hot wash with nellies detergent and nellies oxibooster. with a extra cold rinse and the end.
on a side note it is pretty important that when using nellies (as well as other detergents for cloth diapers) you use it for all you clothes as well. or it will strip the sides of your washer and put the other detergent on your dibs (diapers) and create unwanted build up. resulting in bad chemical diaper rashes! i know this from experience and its not pretty :( nellies works great on all our clothes and i nly use half a scoop unless it a huge load.
so with isabella i started out with 2-3 dozen small Indian prefolds and 8 covers ,three AIO'S (then i went up to regular size)
with cruz i had more fun buying and got 4 AIOS and about 4 fitteds and 10 newborn covers with 12 newborn prefolds, also 2 pocket diapers. i also cut up a old shirt and had it ready to line the newborn diapers with to keep the tar poop at bay and then just throw it.
now that he is bigger i use about 12 newborn prefolds (i just fold in three and lay in cover) 12 regular size prefolds, 4 fitteds, 6 AIOS and about 10 covers. i find i have way more than i need :) but its fun to have variety.
i cut up a old receiving blanket for wipes (about 24) two big wet bags one small wet bag (for diaper bag) 6 snappis, flush able diaper liners in case of diaper rash so i can use diaper cream. (and for when poop get solid so you can just dump in toilet and flush)
theres a lot but once you just read on it for a while it is not so bad :) and seriously fun which is weird LOL but i love it! and i love sun drying it gets stains out amazingly! so in winter i hang them out even if they dont get dry cause the little bit of sun still gets the stains out and i just finish the drying inside. you can use the dryer to if you like :) i only dry to fluff mainly ....but never dry covers.
my fav brandsgreen mountain prefolds for sure, goodmamas (i have only gotten as gifts cause there pricey! lol) if you can sew or know some one who can the darling diaper pattern for fitteds and AIO are my all time fav! mutts, there a lot of good ones wonderwraps are a good cover too. thristie covers are good but the velcro goes out faster.The thing with covers is they will fit pretty much every babies. Aios are the tricky kinds that don't fit all kinds. And leak more the prefolds and covers for the most part. Fitteds and covers I use also . i try to stay away from all micro fiber diapers they smell and are harder to get the smell out than cotton. :)I really like cotton!
I also sell my stuff on diaperswappers that are still in good shape. You def can't do that with all of the diapers cause some get really worn. But newborns you only use for so long. I also suggest get all snap diapers if your going for longevity. The only Velcro diaper cover I buy anymore is the wonderwrap. There velcro is tough stuff!
Ok anyways I could go on and on!
Oh one more thing if you can find osocozy aios, the older version with snaps there a great cheap aio that's just plan white cotton kind nothing fancy but hold great! The new ones I have not tried cause there Velcro. They may be great though. I found my older ones on DS and got like 6 for like 15 bucks.
i aslo have a few different fitted that i found on diaper swappers that where just cute and a great deal i bought.
if anyone has other questions just ask :) i love to help!